Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are getting back into the fitness swing as the big hurdles are right around the corner. Stay the course of daily bouts of quick intense interval type training when pressed for time and try try try never to skip meals.
Okay, so Oprah and minion Rachel Ray are urging me to buy and consume mass quantities of some new berry.
UGH! Are you kidding me? Again with the end all be all pill for weight loss from Oprah, again! Funny, last year at this time it was ‘Hoodia’ being rammed down our throats with Oprah’s big name attached all over it.
Just so you, Jillian Michals and Oprah are idiots and doing millions of people a horrible disservice espousing their health and fitness principles!
I know I haven’t poked at her in a while but she keeps jamming up my inboxes with her ‘new’ weight loss advice and worse yet, has formed a tag team with chunky monkey Rachel Ray.
You already know the ‘new’ diet pill I’m talking about as you get the same emails I do from the mass marketers touting the Acai berry as this year weight loss breakthrough..
Oprah and healthy weight loss just doesn’t fit . I have always felt this way in regards to her health and fitness advice and so-called experts that pop on her show with the latest in ‘magic’ pills and potions for universal weight loss.
What better person to offer up weight loss advice than someone who in her 30+ years on TV , has desperately attempted every fad form of weight loss available and STILL doesn’t get it. Factor in all the so-called experts she pals around with and who frequent her show and its one amusing circus…sadly, millions of people unknowingly follow her lead into fitness failure again.
Without further adieu, let’s get to this year’s “#1 Super food”,” “greatest weight loss discovery” since …well. …the last greatest discovery. I’m talking of course about the Acai Berry in liquid, pill, powder, or for your convenience, soft gel.
Now , the way the evil people are making their millions with the Acai berry is that they are promoting it as weight loss pill rather than an antioxidant which is the only real benefit of the berry.
Who cares about living healthy happy active and fit right? What’s really important is that I fit into those jeans, that dress, or have the profile of a stalk of celery…enough already. The manufactures prey on this mindset and when the products hit the stores , they fly off the shelves ONLY when weight loss is promoted as the benefit… not good health.
Note: When I speak of weight loss I am referring to healthy safe FAT loss achieved thru increased activity and better choices come feeding time. Regardless of the claims made on the website and back of the bottle, the Acai berry will not help you lose weight.
Without question you could lose some pounds if you consume a handful of berries and or a half gallon of the juice every 3 hours as a result of shitting your brains out, but then you would be utilizing last spring’s “revolutionary weight loss’ method…the ‘All Natural Detox”
Now, you may not like it, but I’m not going to lie to you and I’m not going to be the one that tells you to take this little pill and watch the weight fall off. Acai Berry is a heck of an antioxidant that can help your body fight the good fight and help boost your immune system, but it’s not going to flush the excess pounds off your gut butt and thighs.
You know the drill, this destin personal trainer urges you to exercise with resistance….eat supportively…drink lots of water …supplement correctly and rest don’t obsess.
To your health
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